Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Monday....

From the get-go, the signs of a struggle were evident. Waking up thinking "Best day ever!" (for those of you who went to Womens conference!), I'm going to eat FABULOUSLY healthy today, I'll even have time to exercise BEFORE I volunteer in 6th graders class this morning. To-do list is quite long, but it's a do-able long list - I think it can ALL be accomplished. Hooray.
Then, said 6th grader says "It's my day to bring treats to Student Council meeting, which is in....1 hour". Hmph. Making peanut butter fingers at 7:00 in the morning is not my favorite thing, apparently. How can you NOT taste them? And the frosting? Eating fabulously healthy goal is already blown by 7:45 am. Not good.

Couldn't exercise before volunteering because of making student council treats. However, son left for early morning meeting happy, and with treats - worth it.
Mom, went to school happy to volunteer in 6th grade, knowing she was doing at least something good, and could exercise right after. No such luck. Power goes off while volunteering. And stays off for many hours.
Mom realizes she uses electricity for pretty much just about everything. No vacuuming, no blow drying hair, no microwaving 2 year olds lunch, no laundry, no piano practicing - it's electric too, no computer, no email, no blogging, no treadmill, no phone, no checking for the latest news updates.
Let's run errands, she thinks. Roads are WAY to slick and slush packed. Husband advises against this idea. What's a mom to do?
After the initial inner panic that sets in, I have to felt kind of NICE and kind of QUIET. Really quiet. Especially after 2 year old laid down for a nap.
How else to describe it? Kind of like a pondering sort of quiet. I wish I would have written "ponder" on my to-do list. Then maybe I would have taken more advantage of the disconnected-from-everything quiet time I had, instead of fretting over the many things on my list that will be staying on my list until tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm writing 'ponder' on my to-do list, just in case the power goes out.


Mechelle said...

Yesterday was a crazy day wasn't it? But, I too took time to play Candyland, paint and play Milbourne with Tre, things Mondays usually don't allow for. What a nice little vacation from life it was! I think I will follow your example and add those simple things to my daily tasks as well.

Lara said...

Oh, you are good! I fretted a little too much. It was sabotage on all of us trying to lose weight. I dragged myself to the treadmill only to run 1/2 mile and then the power goes out. It really made me want to eat some Oreos. Sabotage, I'm telling you. I wish I would have pondered a little more like you.

Sherry said...

I heard this morning about all the snow and power outages up your way! Is it bad to put on my grateful list that I'm glad we only got 1.5 inches of snow? I was prepared to have a snow in day; but it didn't come and I'm sorry that it got you instead.:(

Maren said...

Great post! I, too, am trying to wake up thinking "Best day EVER!" But...I always forget. I'm proud of you for remembering!

wenselgang said...

Oh've gotta love them! I had know idea the power had gone out that day, we had no problem where we were! Your cruise pictures look great. And I love that big sea turtle. Oh - and if I were that sweet 7 year old in your family, and my dad had scooped cottage cheese in my hand.....I would have smeared it all over his face! Have a great day!!

Amy said...

Thank you for the long e-mail chats. Why in the heck did you move clear up there anyway!?

Emily said...

Your such a great blogger! I miss being around your wonderful personality on a daily basis. Love you Em