Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Big Yawn.....

But our once mild and so sweetly mannered (but more recently turned dr. Jekel (or would that be Hyde? I can never remember which is the evil one) two year old, has started NOT taking naps.
Okay. Mind is racing again. Heart is starting to beat faster. Palms are sweaty.
It's not the end of the world, right? No, not quite the end of the world. But.....how do they say it in "Over the Hedge"?.....
Just the end of the suburban peace and TRANQUILITY!

Here's the daily routine, you know - the one I'm used to. Wake up, have a nice normal morning, do normal stuff that we all do, eat lunch, put said two year old down for nap, read scriptures, do a little cleaning (or a lot of cleaning....depending on the day and the mess), work on primary things, prepare for piano lessons, make dinner, exercise if needed, and take a shower if necessary (note: not ALL of these things happen everyday. That would take some sort of super powers that I definitely do not possess)......
It's a selfish schedule, I know.

When two years olds don't take naps, here's the routine..... Have a nice morning, do normal stuff that we all do, eat lunch, put said two year old down for nap. Said two year old has LONG conversation with self. Two year old sings. Two year old jumps in crib like trampoline. Talks to baby. Pushes the buttons on the Little Einstein fishy music thing in her crib. Makes more conversation. Sings more songs. Jumps a little more. Meanwhile, mom is not being a lick of productive due to the sounds and wonderment of still awake child, and a tinge of guilt over leaving obviously not tired two year old in crib. Looks at the clock... could an hour and a half really have gone by and she's still singing?


She's not a bit interested in a little shut eye apparently.
So, mom retrieves child and all is well. Until 4:30. Then Mr. Jekel arrives for the remainder of the evening.
Actually, the temperment is probably more comparable to Dr. Jekel with a paper cut, a headache, and a moderate case of pms.
Love her as we do, this self-prescribed no nap taking child has been slightly less than pleasant to be around....mostly after 4:30. By 7:00 we're ready to give her to the Gypsies.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Oh wait....maybe I am. Sorry.
I love her none the less. We all still adore her. We're just not sure what to do when two yeard olds decide not to nap anymore.


laura s. said...

Here's MY question:

Has said 2-year old started taking off her diaper yet and exploring its contents? That's when you know you've left them (ha! listen to me, "them" hmmm... guess who I'm thinking of?) in the crib too long.

Hang in there. Late afternoon is such a struggle anyway and then you throw in a cranky toddler and it's a recipe for disaster.

BUT, Ange, you are such a FABULOUS person, surely your never failing sunny disposition shall conquer all.

Love ya.

Amy said...

Hey at least she STAYED in the crib singing. That wouldn't have worked with mine for very long.
Good luck!

Amy said...

And as a side note, just like no one can imagine Claire throwing a exorcist worthy scream fit on Sunday morning's, I cannot for the life of me imagine Addie being a Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde (whichever was the bad one, I can't remember either).

Lara said...

Oh, I remember those days SO well. Now, sadly, after reading this post I wish I were the one with the 2 year old jumping on her trampoline AKA crib. Time goes by so fast! Try to embrace the extra time you have with Addie now that she is not napping and bring her to me come 4:30. I would love to play with her.

Mechelle said...

Sorry, but that is the funniest thing ever!
I have the opposite problem. Haz can't have a nap everyday or else she will not go to bed at night. She changes her clothes a hundred times and plays until after ten sometimes:0

Maren said...

I dreaded the day when my kids grew out of naps. For about 6 months we took a drive after lunch because they would only fall asleep in the car. That's how desperate I was that they take a nap, so there weren't any Dr. Jenkyl's at 4:30.

I wish you the best.

Stephanie said...

She is too cute. I am hoping to never reach the stage of non-napper 2year old. Though, I am sure it's going to happen.

Kristen said...

She is so cute, Trevor gave up napping a few months ago. If I go for a ride and turn up the heater he is out....works like a charm. Good luck!

Sherry said...

Even when naps seemed to be ending, I still went for some "quiet time" for mom of course. Singing in the crib never hurt anyone. But then none of my kids took off diapers for exploration of contents either. My quiet time would have ended for sure! Good Luck!

Stef said...

I unfortunately have no advice for you since I have never been in your situaiton. There is something positive I can pull out of it, though, and that is now you have very entertaining things you can blog about that make me laugh.

Oh, Addie left her jacket at our place on Saturday. I'll bring it to dinner on Easter.

Holly said...

Addie is so cute! I too dread the day when Pete no longer naps. I can already tell it is coming sooner than it did with Henry. Although Henry still has "quiet" time almost everyday. I figure we both need a little down time.

melissa said...

So Sorry... When I took Rachel's binki away she wanted nothing to do with naps. Nightmare for everyone. It was right around when Kody was born and I needed her to have a nap. I gave in and let her have her binki back, but only for naps. She loves her binki and I love her naps so it works quite well for both of us. Best of luck.