Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Crazy eights

8 Item Tag

Here are the rules:

1)Post the rules on your blog.

2)Answer the six '8' items on the tag.

3)Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

8 Favorite TV Shows: Hum....I'm really not a TV watcher. But I guess if I am going to watch anything, it would probably be
1. 10:00 News - KSL please
2. Mash re-runs
3. Cosby Show
5. .....
6. I really am not kidding...I don't watch TV
7. .....
8. Oh, how could I forget the Jazz games? I do watch those and they are awesome!

8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. Helped at kids school
2. Ran 2 miles....huffing and puffing the whole way!
3. Made Freezer meals (hoorah.....I love these freezer meal groups!)
4. Taught piano lessons
5. Went to Tyler's futsol game
6. Spent nearly 2 hours on the phone between primary phone calls and a call to my mom
7. Watched Emma show me her new tricks on the bars at the school playground
8. Read bedtime stories - my favorite!

8 Things To Which I'm Looking Forward:
1. Blue sky and 85 degrees!
2. Nelson family trip to Disneyland...hopefully this November :)
3. Emma getting baptized
4. Hiking
5. Running a half marathon with Jason (well...I'm KIND OF looking forward to that :)
6. Green grass, and the smell of a freshly mowed lawn
7. A garden - fresh tomatoes and fresh peaches
8. Serving a mission

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. PF Changs - the lettuce wraps are to die for!
2. Dragon Hill
3. Olive Garden (just for the bread sticks, alfredo sauce, and salad)
4. Applebees (they make a killer oriental salad)
5. Osaka - a little Japanese place in Provo
6. Subway (okay, boring selection I know.....but sometimes a good Veggie sub just hits the spot!)
7. Wingers wings are pretty good. Tyler LOVES wingers celery. Go figure.
8. Tempanyaki

8 Things on My Wish List:
1. A good thick head of hair - oh what I wouldn't give for that!
2. Grand piano (I'd even settle for a baby grand)
3. A finished, fully functional master bathroom....oh what the heck - how about ALL the house projects finished.....and while we're wishing, how about some extra money to decorate as well?
4. A mouth with out major dental issues.
5. To be financially secure. Completely.
6. Confidence
7. perfectly manicured yard (I know I copied from Mechelle....but I LOVE perfect yards!)
8. A college degree (someday....)


Mechelle said...

Hey there is an Osaka right here in Layton! You up for a double date some time?

Kristen said...

Girls are just full of emotion! I say one little thing to Brinley and she melts down. Thanks for sharing all your crazy eights, it was fun to read.

Amy said...

Halfsies on the villa is a deal.

As long as you let me use your grand (or baby grand) piano once in a while and change your looking forward to from 85 degrees and blue skies to no higher than 80 degrees and blue skies ;)

Amy said...

And I almost forgot, the MASH show must be a Walker thing. Danny likes that one too...

Maren said...

I'm gonna have to check out Winger's celery...

Lara said...

I ditto Mechelle. Make that a triple date. That is one of our faves as well.