Feb. 18 2014
Dear Family,
And yes, hno. means hermano (brother). Brother Carvajal is our branch mission leader.
Thank you for the asmonex, the walmart people here are dumb ;) Because I've picked it up before in Utah, and they even found your name on there mom, with our address, but they wouldn't give it to me, and they couldn't find Jason Tanner...but thank you!!
I'm glad you found a house that's close!!! I didn't want you to move far ;) But that's excellent! Tyler, keep on conditioning, but don't worry if you don't make the team. They're just a buncha tools anyways ;) Emma don't you dare stop playing piano!! (I made SURE Emma read that TWICE!) :) And Addie, the easiest way to lose teeth is to let dad go at em, ok? ;)
Also, E Diaz and I are both staying in Motown for one more together. Which is great, because I get to see Obdeli's baptism, but stinks because I'm having a really hard time dealing with E Diaz...Honestly, I feel like the transfers just keep getting harder. The first two were hard just adjusting to being away from home and then trying to learn spanish, and now I feel fine about being out here, and I can communicate with just about everybody, but I can't get along with my companion!!!!! There are days when I feel like we're great, I can get along with him well enough to be happy and get the job done. But more often than not, I feel like I'm drowning. It's not even the fact that he was a bad kid and likes to talk about bad things sometimes, I can handle that. (Okay, I'm about to let out a stream of complaints, please understand I am working to deal with this, and I can take care of myself, I just mostly need to vent haha) He argues with just about everything I say, and I don't think we've ever had an argument that needed to happen, because he just argues about dumb dumb stuff. He contradicts himself in everything, I swear. He's not funny, because he always just laughs about dumb stuff and makes innappropriate jokes. He doesn't know me at all!!!! The other day we were walking and I was trying to have a normal conversation, and I thought we might actually have one for the first time! But two seconds later, he started talking about all the times he went clubbing and all the things he did there and what other people did to him and who he went with and all that stuff. So then I found an opportunity to say something, so I brought up my girlfriend just for a topic of conversation (and I'll have you know, I've lived with the guy for 6 weeks, I don't know if he knows I have a girlfriend. Let alone how many people are in my family. Or what I like to do. Or anything else.) and as soon as I started talking, he went right back in to talking about this one girl he met at a club!!!!!!!! Sometimes I feel like I don't know what I did to deserve this companion, which I know is bad. And he's a very dominant person, which is bad, because when there's work to be done, I feel like I'm a dominant person too. Hence, some of the arguments...But I feel like he's just taking over. I feel alone. He doesn't know who I am, I can't be myself around him, heck, I don't even know who I am!! I feel like I've lost myself, and I don't know what to do. And I hate the fact that even though he's been a pretty disobedient missionary at times, he's gotten tons of baptisms, when I feel like I've tried my hardest, and I still haven't even gotten one. I don't know how he feels, but I am not excited for the next 6 weeks. Please pray that I can have patience and charity!! I will be doing the same!!! (so seriously hard to know they are struggling - hurts my heart).
I'm really sorry this week is kind of a bummer haha...Last week was probably one of the hardest weeks of my mission. E Diaz and I weren't very unified in teaching, weren't unified in hardly anything. And I miss you guys a ton!! You guys mean the world to me!!
We did have valentine's day this week!! We had a branch party at the church. And this was the schedule:
Examine love stories from the bible
Invite a couple of people to share how they met their spouse
play a couples game.
So E Diaz and I had just happened to bring a box of dominoes, so we went into the back room and played dominoes until they brought out dinner ;)
Probably my most spiritual experience this week was during one study time, I read over my patriarchal blessing. It's frustrating to me because I feel like my patriarchal blessing is very vague, and I like very specific instructions ;) But it was just comforting to see that God does have a plan for me.
I did have some crazy food yesterday! Mundungo is the name. It's cow intestines. Which is kinda gross, knowing that you're eating what a cow pooped out of...it doesn't taste too bad, but it's just gross…;) b (Triple disgusting!)
Anyways, I hope this week goes well for all of you with all the goings on over in L-town!! Have a great week, I love you all! :)
Elder Tanner Nelson :)
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