Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Restoration vs. Superbowl!

Feb. 4 2014

Dear Family,
What a week. So this week I kinda blew up on E Diaz. I think part of the reason he's been bugging me so bad is because I'm worrying alot about gaining weight and I'm stressed because of new companion and about working so hard and so long and not seeing any success and just alot of things heaping up. So I straight up told him everything I was thinking and feeling. And he just took it. He told me later he almost threw it back on me and got really upset as well, but luckily he's had a rough companion too that taught him lots of patience ;) E Diaz is still very different than me, but I think a lot of the original problem was me being prideful and not trying to work in unity. So things are tons better!! The past few days since thursday have been great!! I'm trying to be more tolerant without letting rules slide, and I know last week I said he was a disobedient missionary, but he's usually really good, he's just done some things that are strong no nos. I really do like E Diaz, but I think he will be one of my harder companions haha!
How about a funny story? So on saturday morning, E Diaz was sick. So I did my studies and then took a short nap and then I needed to cut my hair because we had interviews with president today, so I just did it on saturday. We had cut E Diaz' hair the night before, and he had a cool little tool to do the taper around ears, so I decided to use it. I didn't even think about the fact that he cuts his hair alot shorter than mine, so I used it around my right ear, and then realized that it was noticeably shorter than the rest of my hair. And the funny thing is, right before I started cutting my hair, like seriously about 30 seconds before I turned on my clippers, I thought to myself, "Self, Brianna Bown would be proud of the way you cut your hair. It always looks good." Humility comes in many forms….(Love me some practical 'humility' lessons)!
 So last monday was a miracle night for us!! After P-day was over, we were walking around trying to find a former named Eduardo. We went and knocked on his door, and the guy who answered told us that Eduardo lived two doors down. So we went and tried that door. A man answered, and we asked him if Eduardo lived there. He said that there was two Eduardos that lived there, and he was one of them! So we asked which one had met with missionaries before, and neither of them had!! Turns out they had moved in to that apartment only a month ago, but the crazy thing to me is that they were both named Eduardo!!! They let us in, and we shared a message. It was soooo cool, and then we went back on Wednesday, and so in total from that house, we got 5 new investigators last week from that house!!!!!!
We had a killer week for our numbers, the best week of my mission!!! 7 new investigators, 3 on date, 21 total lessons, 10 member presents, a KI of 23, which is about double from what we average!! It was so cool to start to see success!! Now we just have to work with these peeps and baptize.
Obdeli only has two lessons left, and he knows he's going to get baptized, but he wants to get baptized where Joseph Smith got baptized, which means we can't go...and also, he prayed about it, and he wants to be baptized in the end of february or the middle of march. So there's a chance I won't be here to see it :(
Selena has pretty much dropped off the face of the earth....we haven't seen her in about 4 weeks....
One of the new investigators we picked up (actually two) are Norbia and Marcos. We were teaching them the Restoration on sunday night, right during the superbowl. The best we could do was get them to mute the tv, so it was still on. But as soon as I started quoting the first vision, everything stopped. And from that point on in the lesson, they didn't look back at the tv. It was so cool!! What other church has a message that can stop people from watching the superbowl?!?! That's right, none!! ;)
There's this soccer store by our apartment that we go to sometimes, and so the other day after E Diaz and I duked it out ;) we walked over there because he had some pants to take back and we needed to relax. So we went over there, and we've been in there several times, so we know a few people that work there. Anyways, we started talking to the guy that was working there, Victor. His parents are columbian, and he likes soccer (obviously). So he asked us about what we do and why we have name badges. We explained it to him, and then he asked what we were doing in a soccer store. So we told him that we played soccer on tuesday nights, and we invited him to come! We gave him a pass along card with the address of the church and the time and he said he'd love to come! Hopefully he remembers and comes tonight!!! Even when we're relaxing, we do work. ;) As a side note, I also collect soccer cards now ;)
(not exactly sure what the duck hat means.  Just a funny picture he sent us) :)
 That's about all this week, it was hard, but turned out good and successful!! But now I'm getting scared about getting transferred....there are seriously gonna be in between 3-6 baptisms here next transfer, and either E Diaz or I am leaving. So if you  could put in a few prayers for me to stay, that'd be great! ;) Thanks!!
You guys are in my prayers always, let me know about the house!! Love you, have a great week!! :)
Elder Tanner Nelson

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