Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Handsome.

Dear mom and family,
Special request from Kaden- dear elder my weekly letters to him please :) or have his mom do it, whatevs haha! (Will do)
Another request, can Ally come over for the Christmas call?
And I don't have the exact Walmart address, but it's on Ridgedale Rd in the Morristown, Hanover area. Have you sent the asmonex yet? I ran out last night…(done and done)
One more thing, I haven't been able to download pictures onto the library computers yet, sorry!!!! But it's okay, I really havent taken many pictures here haha! ;) I'll do better!! ;) (Alrighty then…..I'll just have to keep throwing on some 'throw-back' pictures to keep people entertained!) 
And also, last thing, could you send me a list of p90x workouts that I can do with very limited equipment?? Thank you!!
Yeah, I totally know pres. Crane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner, but we couldn't go cause we were at a members house....he's so cool!!! That's awesome!!!! Go best mission in the world!!!
Well, this is the first year I can say that I'm not excited for the holidays! We've been helping Carlos set up his Christmas stuff this week, and everytime it just makes me homesick!!!
Thanksgiving was good though, we spent it with Carlos and his family, Judith and Andres. We had normal food...turkey, stuffing, cornbread, veggies, the works. Also on the morning of Thanksgiving we had the Turkey Bowl in Short Hills. 3 zones all met at a football field there and we played ball!! It was so much fun, and basically I'm a pro at football ;) jk, i'm not that good, but it was fun, I scored touchdowns, I threw touchdowns, and we had a blast!!!!
Last week was transfers, and so we got a couple new people in our zone that I haven't met yet haha! We did get a new senior couple though, the Maughans! They're from Idaho, they know Elder Redder's (from the MTC) family, and they're related to Elder Jellen!!! They have given us several rides, and they're so technologically impaired haha!! It's really funny!! They're assigned to our spanish branch, and they don't know a lick of spanish, but they're studying and trying to learn! It's so funny to hear them say things because they're kinda hicks, so  they can't pronounce spanish very well haha!! But they're awesome, I love them!!!
I got my first nickname this week, El Guapo. It means The Handsome. Yup. That's me. haha!  Hno. Acuna gave me that nickname and he calls E Jellen Monjesito (little monk) because he looks like a Jew because he comes from a Jewish family haha! His dad is the only convert in his family from Judaism, so Hno. Acuna always jokes about how E Jellen should go live in a monastery haha

 Hno Acuna is so funny!!!!
 This week was very low key...not a lot went on. Our numbers went down because of the holidays, not to make excuses, but we couldn't get into people's homes because they were gone or with family. We didn't have the opportunity to teach Bessie this week because she was in Maryland, but she got back yesterday, so we're going to call her up today!!!! I'm so excited for that lesson!!! In planning, Elder Jellen and I found a few scriptures that we really feel inspired to share, so I'm stoked!!!! We don't know exactly what she's going through, but she has told us that she is going through some trials right now, so we wanted to share with her the plan of salvation up to the atonement, and then focus on how we can get help through the atonement as we do certain things. It's gonna be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also this week we found out that we probably will have a baptism this month!! Patricia, an eternigator that is only not a member because her husband won't legally marry her, wants her 9 year old daughter to be baptized, so we are going over there to talk to her about baptism tomorrow!! It's not really a huge success in the context that we did a lot of work, but it's a huge tender mercy, God is throwing us a bone with this one! Kiddy dunkin, wooo!!!

Speaking of eternigators, here's a cool miracle this week!! Our other eternigator like Patricia, Lila, had to take her 6 year old son, Izac, to the hospital on saturday because they thought he had pneumonia. We had an appointment with them, but we missed it because elder Jellen had a meeting in Dover. When we found out, we walked over to the hospital to give him a blessing, but when we got there, we found him fine, sitting on the bed, with his family around them. We asked them how they were, and two minutes later, the doctor released him from the hospital. So we said bye to the family and walked back home. As we left, we were talking about it, and we both felt really impressed that we had gone there for the dad, Ray. He is not a member and is against the church. Lila can't be baptized because he won't marry her legally because he doesn't want her to be a member. So we've been praying a lot that his heart will be softened. And we both felt that maybe our legs are the way to soften it haha! Just by us being there and showing support for the family when something was happening to them seemed to have a big affect on him. Maybe we'll baptize him yet!! ;)
My personal studies have been getting better too!! I've tried to study specific topics when I don't have any investigators to study for, and I've been getting a lot more out of that too! It's really cool to see how much you can learn when you  are looking for an answer, which seems like a no duh, but I think alot of times we overlook the simplicity of getting answers to our prayers. So that's been cool for me to see!!
That's really all for this week's been pretty low key...haha! Glad to hear all is just peachy at home, keep up the good work team Nelson!! Love you guys!!
Elder Nelson

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