Something was said at his graduation ceremony that I thought was profound enough to share. The assistant principal was giving his short little 2-cents worth, and said something about reaching our goals, you know - typical graduation stuff. The quote he used was perfect. He said something like "We've all been given two ends by birth - one at the top and one at the bottom. Which end you use more will determine just how much you get out of life".
I loved it!
We DO try to keep the couch sitting to a minimum, but sometimes - that's just what they gravitate to. HOWEVER, I have to give a big kudos to the kids. We have successfully gone for officially over a month now with no TV reception. None. Zippo. We decided for budgetary reasons to turn off the DirectTV the beginning of May, with the intention of just getting the rabbit ears antenna for the local channels - which, just hasn't happened yet. So, we've had no DirecTV, no cable, not even any local channels. So if they want to watch something it's either play a wii game or watch a DVD.
.......and they HAVEN'T EVEN COMPLAINED!
I thought for sure we'd hear whining every day about what they were missing on the Disney channel. I thought I'd whine about missing the news.
Actually, it's been quite fabulous thing! I'm don't feel like I have to compete with what's 'coming up next' on the screen.
The boys have asked if we could PLEASE turn it back on before the next Jazz season starts.
We'll see. For now we're going to enjoy some commercial-free time :)
Congrats Tyler!
He'll do fine as a little fish in the big pond, I am sure.
Great quote too, I'm saving that one.
And no TV - that is awesome!
Danny and I don't watch tv much ever, but I wish my kids were a little less Disney-channel minded sometimes. Though I have to say that Spongebob is my vice and nemesis right now-bleh! Claire!
Maybe we should try the budgetary angle and see what we can get away with. I'm sure it's been a really good thing for the kids.
Have a fun summer!
Can't wait for the whole Jr high "fun" over here as well!
You know, I was raised without TV and I spent a lot of time reading and playing outside, instead. It's nice to have around, but I definitely get so much more accomplished when it's not even an option.
That is a dang cute pic of a pretty handsome kid!
I love the no tv thing. We did great during tv turn off week so oddly enough I mentioned to Dayt just this week that we should cancel the direct tv and save that money through the summer and do something fun with it instead. Maybe it will force ME to get out and exercise! :)
Congrats to Tyler for graduating. He IS in the big leagues now. Crazy!
I think we are ready for another round of no TV although I don't know if I am brave enough to get rid of it altogether. We don't even watch much, just having it in the room is a comfort, which is probably more reason to get rid of it. I think we are getting closer to pulling the plug for good ourselves.
Good decision on your part. Don't you just love thinking of all the money you are saving?
Good for you and no tv! Tomorrow we will belong to that club too. We haven't gotten a converter box or new tv and I absolutely REFUSE to do cable/dish! So when they stop analog transmission we will be movies only around here! (I don't know if Jeff will last long. he made some comment about Greg-and I am sure himself-missing the NBA finals sunday...soooo sorrrrry) I think I could live without Idol and Survivor. Maybe..........8)
Our daughter just started 7th grade this week. It's a whole new world! And we only let the kids watch PBS and Discover channel at our house. Plus, the occasional DVD. Life got so much better when we cancelled the Disney channel a few years ago! :)
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