Wednesday, April 8, 2009


For lack of ideas or interesting things going on here.....but still with a desire to blog about
here are seven completely random, and in no particular order, things about me that you may or may not know....

1. I've been deported from a foreign country (not a super fun experience).... (I was INNOCENT I tell you......really.) (A long story for another day....)

2. When I was younger (much younger), I could play a few piano pieces while sitting backwards.

3. I am a LIST-MAKING FANATIC! I love lists, and make a to-do one every day, including anything and everything I may do that day - just to have the satisfaction of crossing things off. It's pathetic, I know....but I will include things like "shower & ready", "kids ready", "lunches made", "pray". And if I've done something that I happened to NOT write on the list....I will quickly write it on the list, and just as quickly cross it off the list. (that really IS pathetic, I know!) But yet, somehow - it's a fabulous thing!

There truly is something gratifying to me about crossing things off my list.

4. I am somewhat claustrophobic. Elevators are mostly fine (unless the door takes too long to open). Caves are an absolute no-no (although, I hope to overcome this fear at some point in my life).

5. Because of #4...the sheets and blankets have to be UN-TUCKED at the end of the bed, or else my feet start to feeling completely TRAPPED! (this is much to the shagrin of Jason...who prefers his side tucked in!)

6. I OFTEN feel very socially awkward. (I don't have to expound on that one, do I?)

7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chips and salsa (the good homemade kind....), chocolate milk, and swedish fish. Oh, and breadsticks dipped in alfredo sauce. Also you could just go ahead and add anything else that is creamy and full of starch and carbohydrates. It's kind of a problem I'm having.

There you go. 7 random things about me.
I'm realizing that's probably too much of me for one post! Sorry people.


Amy said...

Okay, so you do realize that I will be bugging you now about the deportation story. I would ask Danny, but we all know how well he would NOT remember.

And, no matter how many times you tell me, I have a really hard time believing you are socially awkward.

Mechelle said...

Great post! You need to do these kind of posts more often. Ang, you are one of those people we lessers look up to with awe and wonder...some day maybe I can be like Ange. (don't say "whatever", it is true) Getting to see your insides helps get us a little closer to crossing that goal off our lists;-D

Lara said...

We have SO much in common! Except the deportation thing. Lee makes really good salsa. We'll have to bring some over next time he makes it.

laura s. said...

"Deportation story" = EXCELLENT blog post!

C'mon let's hear it!

Maren said...

I agree with Mechelle: please let us know how to be like you!

And I completely agree with the list thing. There really is something fulfilling about crossing off things.

I love your blog!

Ali the B. said...

I LOVE lists to!! Matt tells me I have a list for my list!! I am all over the satisfaction of crossing things off list!! (Besides mine is now an age thing, I can't remember crap without writing it down!! not to take a crap, but the crap I have to do!! he he)
Thanks for the post, anxious to know what #6 really says!! :) Am I an idiot & don't know how to read it?? :)

Sherry said...

Gosh, it is no wonder why I like you so much! I love crossing things off lists and will add them just to cross them off haha. I am fearful of some things; but not caves, the food category...I am there with ya-except you forgot chocolate!

Jen said...

I don't believe the socially awkward thing. You're way too much fun to be around.

The list thing is a little strange:)