Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It starts......

Alright.....I know it's about time I start this thing up. So....here we go! It's officially 3:30 am, and suffering from a very stuffy head and clogged up ears - sleep is eluding me. So, after checking my normal web-sites - i.e.; Ksl.com, the bank, & my eighth graders grades, a thought occurred to me. Hey! Why not blog! It may not be anything profound....considering that it's 3:30 in the morning. But it would be a post none the less.

Actually, I'm not quite sure what to do or where to go with this blog. It may just be random tidbits from our home and my head. Nothing profound, mind you. Or witty. Sometimes maybe even boring. Hope that's okay.

I also hope it's alright to copy a little bit. For a long time the idea of jotting down things we're grateful for has hung in the back of my head. I think I heard about a gratitude journal first from Oprah (one of the four times I've ever watched the show). That was probably 10 years ago. It's been mentioned in conference many times over. We have been incredibly blessed, and sometimes I forget that and dwell on the 'don't haves' of my life. So (here's the copying part....thanks Maren!) I'll try to jot down 3 things each post I'm thankful for. More for me than anyone else.

So, here it goes.....my three for today - then I'm signing off.

1. Sinus medicine (10 more minutes and it should be kicking in!)
2. Good kids who missed us while we were gone.
3. The sunshine in the Carribean (I'll blog more about that later) :)


Amy said...

Yeah - a Post! But did it have to mention another trip you two lucky souls apparently got to take to make me jealous yet again!! :)

Hope you get feeling better soon!

laura s. said...

You totally have the hang of it! Cute layout and even the mention of a trip! Now all we need are a funny story about the kids and a picture of some amazingly decorated area of your house and it will be a very well-rounded blog. Oh and maybe a picture and instructions on how to make something crafty. Or a recipe.

I hope you know I'm kidding with all this. It is good to have another blog to read-- especially if it is yours!

Good Job!

Penny said...


I love your blog - your kids are so cute and you look amazing. Send me your gmail email, I'd love to add you to view my blog.

wenselgang said...

Yeah! I'm glad you're back and that you are blogging! I can't wait to hear about the warm sun and sandy beaches that you and Jason enjoyed for a week. Have a great day....Em

Maren said...

I'm so happy you have a blog! No pressure or anything, but I'm planning on blog-stalking you.

And I hope you feel better.

Mechelle said...

Ang, way to go! I can't wait to hear about your trip, I thought about you all week. Ty said you look really tan;)

Lori Conger said...

Wow! Good job. I feel like we can keep in touch a little more now. Your blog looks great! Glad your cruise was fun. Hope to see you guys soon.

Myers Family said...

I love your blog Ange. Your family picture is beautiful.

Sherry said...

I am so glad you started! It's a fun way to keep tabs on people we love!

Kristen said...

I love to see how you guys are doing! Keep it up!

Holly Cruz said...

Wahoo! welcome to our world! I'm so excited to read it and keep up with the goings on of the family. Yipee! happy blogging!