Sounds like a blast of a party with the walkers!!! Where did Landry serve his mission? And little T-Minnow got called to Ecuador?! Wow, everyone is going to south america now!!
You can send stuff right to the 59 Manor Dr. address!! Red Bank is safe ;)
And sorry, E Beus is the one from Spanish Fork, but I didn't send a picture with him last'll do better at that!! ;) (Kind of fun....we actually met Elder Beus at the Airport - they left for Mexico MTC the same day!)
We had interviews with president Jeppson on Tuesday, and it was our last interviews with him before he goes home :( I admit, I cried a little bit....Pres walks out the door on July 1. Nuts. Then we were able to teach a couple of lessons, and it was all good.
On wednesday, we had 5 lessons set, but we only had 2 of them actually be there! But we were able to go give a blessing to a less active that had had a brick fall on his head from 4 stories, and he got a bunch of staples in his head....ouch, right? So we gave him a blessing, and then we had the BEST LESSON EVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with Angel Cruz, that awesome investigator!!! He's 24 and from El Salvador. And he's pretty much the perfect man. He plays the guitar, he plays the piano, he's good lookin, has a little bit of facial hair, but not too much, he's sentimental, he cares about his family back in El Salvador, and he writes guitar music, but like really good stuff. He only writes music about God and like loving his mom. People have tried to get him record deals and stuff for writing inappropriate stuff, but he won't do it. He literally listens to the same type of music that we do haha!! One of his favorite artists is mission approved because he's a spanish singer, and he sings about God. Jesus Adriano Romero be his name. He's Angel's favorite singer. So anyways, we went in and taught Angel the Restoration, and he talks a TON, but we were able to control his questions and his ideas into the Resto!! It was a really good lesson, and he totally understood it!! So then we invited him to be baptized. He said yes. We invited him to be baptized on June 15. He said no. But then he said, "could I get baptized on July 22? That's my wife's birthday, and it's a really special day for me, and I'd like to be baptized on a day that is special to me because it really signifies the beginning of my new life." HOLYYYYY.....WHAT?!?!?!?!?! WHERE DID THIS GUY COME FROM?!?!?!?!?!!? WHY IS HE NOT ALREADY AN ANGEL?!?!?!?! (get it, his name is angel? ;)) So yeah, Angel is a boss. Then after the lesson he played his guitar for us. He played a really sweet song that he wrote about his mom, and it almost made us cry. It was really, really good. He's a boss. So then to finish off the night, we taught this guy named Fernando. He was a former investigator from awhile back that really never had a good reason for being dropped, the missionaries just stopped going by. So we went by and taught him the Restoration too, and he was totally involved, and E Beus and I have comp unity like a boss, and basically, another one of the best lessons I've ever been apart of. At the end, we went over the BOM, and we really emphasized praying to know, and we committed him to pray to know, and it was really spiritual, and he started telling us about this experience that he'd had where God had saved his life, and now he felt obligated to follow him and be a little bit better than he had been, and he committed to Pray to know. It was awesome. We're going back tomorrow to seal the deed.
On thursday we taught a less active, but she didn't come to church this week....we also played basketball, and, as always, it was a donkey show. E Beus and I are awesome though, so on one play, I totes (um.....for those of us 'olders', I did some checking, and 'totes' means 'totally' apparently) :) did a Blake Griffin spin and alley-oop. It was amazing. And everyone on the sidelines was screaming and shouting and stuff, it was the best haha!!
On sunday we were supposed to have 4 investigators at church, this woman named awilda (a former who had never been to church but we invited her anyways), Katy and Alicia (our two investigators, daughter and mom), and angel cruz. Out of the four, we had three at church. Everyone except Angel came. Which, let me tell ya, I have never been so heartbroken that an investigator wasn't at church. I was so sad!!!!!!!! Angel was so amazing!!!!!! He had talked to his boss like a week early so he could come into work an hour late so he could just come to the sacrament meeting!! And he was going to ride his bike like four miles to get there and then ride his bike to work, and he is so dedicated and so amazing!!!! But here's what happened: He actually called a taxi to take him to church, and he was going to show up like 10 minutes late. So the taxi came and picked him up, and then dropped him off at the wrong then he had to walk a few miles to was heartbreaking for us, and he was actually really disappointed too, but hopefully he'll be able to come this week!!!!!
But yeah, that's the digs from Red Bank this week. We get to go to the temple on Wednesday, and I'm way excited!! Hope you guys have a great last week of school, a great week of running preparation, and a great memorial day!! Love you guys!!
Elder Tanner Nelson