Monday, March 24, 2014

The Cake Boss

Dear Family,
Sounds like another crazy week over there!!!!! But it's just as crazy over here haha! I feel like I've barely had time to breathe this week!!
Transfers are next tuesday, and I'm pretty sure that I'm leaving Mo-town, at long last!! I'm gonna miss some of the members here, but I think I'm way past ready for a change. A change in companions, a change in scenery, a big change. E Diaz thinks I'm gonna go district leader down in Paterson, which I wouldn't mind, Paterson is a pretty hood area ;) I have no clue where they'll send me...guess I'll find out next tuesday! But if you are sending any mail, if it wont be here before march 31, please don't send it haha!
Like I said, this week was crazy. Tuesday we had an exchange, E Welch, a new elder serving in Dover, came to Motown with me, and we just exchange after District meeting on tuesdays. We drive to district meetings with the sisters and the maughans, and the sisters hadn't been able to grocery shop on monday, so we had to stop at a place on the way home with the maughans, which made it so we didn't get home til about 4:30. We went out and proselyted for awhile, but seriously, noone was home. So we just walked around and tried to contact for an hour and a half before soccer haha! Soccer was the only lesson we had that day. On a sidenote, I kinda don't like playing soccer with the natives haha! It's good because they're all pretty good, but because I'm white, they think I don't know how to play, so they put me and E Welch on the junky team with the only little kids that come to play, and we have to show them up the hard way. ;) Nevertheless, I do love tuesday night soccer night.
On wednesday we exchanged back, and then E Diaz and I went to go teach Ramon, our crazy bible knowing contact from last week. We had discussed a way to teach the BOM in district meeting the day before using the whole intro, so that's what we did with him, and it went really well, but really loooooong. He understood and accepted the BOM really really well, but he is so knowleadgable about the Bible, it's crazy. He said he would start to read it, and he also said he was going to make a list of questions for us and the next time we came. We arranged a teamup with our branch mission leader, who is also very knowleadgeable about such things as the bible, but unfortunately, when we went by on saturday, ramon was working :/ so that gives us extra time to study!!
On thursday and Friday, I had to go to a Leadership Training Meeting that went from 8:30-4:30 both days. They usually have those meetings every 3 months, and you're supposed to go in your first 3 months in the mission, but because the last one would have fallen on christmas, everyone that has come into the mish since lsat october (my group) had to go. It was really really goood, Pres. Jeppson, Sis Jeppson, the Assistants, and all the Zone Leaders and sister training leaders gave trainings throughout those two days, and we role played like a bajillion times...on the bright side, I don't hate role plays quite as much as I used to ;) But it was really good, I learned alot about how to be a better missionary and how to apply PMG to my investigators!!
While I was at that meeting, E Diaz was with his last companion, because his companion also had to go to the meeting, so we just did an exchange there haha! They stayed in Motown and worked our area until we got done and got home.
On friday after the meeting, the Maughans had us help them. Sis Maughan is trying to teach a couple of 11-14 year old boys, Raymon and Anthony, how to play the piano, but they haven't been dedicated to practicing. So she wanted me to try to motivate them. So I pulled out my piano skills from years past, shared D and C 25:12, and played the right hand of the basic hymns "now let us rejoice". They were pretty impressed. ;) But I really think they thought it was cool that I played the piano haha!! I told them that I regretted quiting (which I do mom, and Emma and Addie and Tyler, don't quit, it's not worth it) and I think that  helped motivate them!
 Saturday, Hno Carvajal (branch mission leader) came out with us, and we ended up teaching like 5 lessons, which was way good!! The Morales invited us over for breakfast too, it was really good!! Also, they just opened up a Carlos' Bake Shop (cake boss) here in Motown!!!!!!!! So we definitely went to go see it, it's pretty cool!!! Funny story about saturday though....So usually, E Diaz and I take like a 30-40 minute nap during our lunch hour to get ready for the day, and that kind of tides us over. But because of our exchange and the leadership training meeting and everything going on this week, we haven't had time for a single nap. So on saturday night, we had our appointment at 5 and 6 cancel on us, so we went home for our dinner hour. We both decided we were just gonna sleep for 30  minutes and then we'd go out and work, we were so exhausted!! So we got in bed at 5:30 and set an alarm for 6:05. But the alarm never rang. Which sounds suspicious, but we checked it like three times after the fact, it was set for 6:05 pm, the volume was all the way turned up, it had a loud ringer, it just never rang!! Anyways, I woke up at 8:00, woke up E Diaz, and we were both astounded that we'd slept that long!! So we quickly got ready and ran out the door, and were able to teach one more lesson before getting back home at 9 haha!! The crazier thing was, right after we were done planning, we both threw on our pjs and went right back to bed, the nap didn't even affect us haha!!!!
And then it was Sunday. Sundays are nice because you can wake up at 6:30, go shower and get all ready, and then nap until study time. We take as many naps as we can. We had one hour of personal study, then the Maughans picked us up for our PEC meeting. We got there and were waiting for a long time, and no one called us in for PEC, so we went to the English ward's sacrament meeting haha! After that, we went about our spanish branch schedule as usual. I had to give a talk, and I only had time to prepare it on saturday and sunday morning! It was on the talk "We search for security in counsel" by Henry B Eyring in June 2008 liahona. I prepared alot about how the prophets speak for God and how they care for us and direct us to  places of security. Sister Pearson, one of the sisters in our branch, spoke before me, and she took up almost all of my time because it was her last talk in the missino, she goes home next week. So I only got like 5 minutes, and I felt kinda dumb because it was so short...but oh well, it still went well!!
But that's about all for this week, it was crazy!! We're still trying to contact tons, but Satan has been working really hard this week, we have had a really hard time getting contacts that are more than just handing out a card, which is what we strive for, but oh well, the work goes on!! I'm in 3 Nephi 1 in the BOM, which is way ahead of schedule, but when I'm done with it, I'm going to study the bible so I can better answer questions and understand where other religions are coming from! I really know almost nothing about the bible haha....
Hope you guys have a great spring break!!! Love you!! Good luck with the move!!
Elder Tanner Nelson

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