Dear Family,
Haha was there more to that letter that I missed?? That's so awesome, Joseph better be excited!!! And Angels Landing is seriously like my favorite hike ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that place!!!
So the big news of this week...................I am......................................................................staying in Morristown for transfer number 5. The good news about this, I know it will be my last transfer here, so I'm for sure out in 6 weeks. The better news, E Diaz is out, he got called zone leader, so I get a new companion tomorrow! The crazy news, They're putting me in a trio in Morristown, so jk, I actually get TWO new companions tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The even crazier news, the assistants gave us a car yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! It's crazy because our apartment charges 100$ a month for parking, so we're gonna have to be parking somewhere different on the streets every night haha! But it'll be an adventure. Looking back on these past two transfers, I've seen that it really was fun being with E Diaz, but it was really hard, and I learned alot. But, I'm really excited to get my new companions tomorrow haha!
Thursday was really good too!! We have this man that comes out from Dover to go on teamups with us, Edwin, and he is so awesome!! We also got this media referral a few weeks ago, and he's an investigator that we teach on thursdays. His name is Donaldo. And he's gonna get baptized this transfer. He doesn't have a date yet, but he accepted the invitation!! He's really interested, and I didn't get to teach him the week before, but last week we went to teach him the gospel, and when we'd ask him "donaldo, what does faith mean to you?" he'd be like "well faith is like a belief in something you can't see, right?" "donaldo, why is it important to be baptized?" "well, Jesus was baptized right? And we need to become clean from our sins." and it was like that for flipping every gospel principle!!!!!!!!!! It was soooo cool!!!!! We'll definitely be working really hard with him!!!
IT rained all day friday, all day saturday, and all day sunday. It was a super bummer. On friday, E Diaz had to go to a new zone leader meeting, so I was on exchange in Motown with an english elder that is actually in my going home group, E Doezie. He's kinda been struggling in his mission I guess with homesickness and stuff, so during our lunch hour, we went to Carlo's Bake Shop. I told you they opened one up last week right? WEll, in case I forgot, they opened up a Cake Boss bakery right down the street from my apartment!!!!!!! So yeah, we went, and I bought myself a cream puff. It was the most expensive cream puff I've ever eaten, but it was pretty good. It cost me two bucks, but it was like the cheapest thing on the menu haha!! After that, we went and taught Carlos, our member, then we had to go help move stuff into our apartment for my trio!!! When E diaz got back from his meeting, we had to do our transferly cleaning in our apartment, then we had a branch activity. The sisters were in charge of it, so we played charades with BOM stories, and it was actually quite fun. E Diaz and I were with two little kids, and we acted out the story of the Liahona like a boss, but noone guessed it!!!! Ridiculous...;)
Saturday was busy too. After studies, we had to finish up cleaning because we didn't have time to finish on friday, and then we went to a surprise party that one of our members was doing for Sis Pearson, who is going home tomorrow. We ate lots of food, and it was also quite fun. When that was over, we went out with the assistants to go try by one of their investigators who they are passing off to us because she speaks spanish! But she juked us, curses...SO we went and walked around in the rain for awhile. We were almost ready to head home, but I felt prompted to go try by a former. We went by and Alberto opened the door, who wasn't our former, but we've talked to him before. We asked if we could come in, and he let us in. We were talking to him and his friends/roomates/possibly relatives? and we immediately started teaching the Restoration. We got three new investigators in that lesson, Alberto, Alan, and Lestor. They are way cool!!! Except for Alberto knows the bible really well, and he doesnt' believe in the BOM at all, and he argued alot....E Diaz pulled out 2 nephi 29 on him, and I was ticked at him after the lesson for that, because I don't think alberto liked that at all...but luckily, E Diaz is OUT and I'll be taking over from here ;) Hopefully we'll be able to bring them into the fold too!!
Sunday was amazing. At church, no one came to the first hour, gospel principles, so us, the sisters, and hno carvajal (branch mission leader) prepared our lesson because we were teaching the combined 2nd hour on missionary work. Hno carvajal made a "plan" where the stronger members visit and teach the weaker members (basically family home teaching, but the plan is called "nourished by the good word of god" because noone here does home teaching or even has callings as home teachers...) so he presented that for a few minutes. Then as missionaries, we taught the members their role in missionary work, as team ups, getting refferals, how they should treat investigators at church, and teaching with us. WE've had a lot of problems where us or the sisters take a member out on a team up and the member completely takes over the lesson and the investigator never wants to come back to church, so we talked alot about that. It turned out really really good!!
Then for sacrament, it was testimony meeting. It was sooooo powerful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E Diaz bore his testimony, sis pearson bore hers, and a member, Hna Padilla, also bore hers. I have never seen her at church in all the time I've been here, but her family comes almost every week. She bore her testimony about how the example of one family (the carlos gomez family, who actually was doing their part in hno carvajal's plan) in teaching and visiting and being a good example to her brought her back to church. It was awesome!!! Then Hna gomez got up and bore her testimony about how god knows the reasons why we are where we are and what we need to be doing, and it was powerful!! Then Sis Maughan (senior couple) got up and bore her testimony in spanish, which she's been practicing really hard!!! It was really good!! THEN, E MAUGHAN GOT UP AND BORE HIS TESTIMONY IN SPANISH, AND HE PRETTY MUCH GAVE UP ON SPANISH, AND IT WAS BETTER THAN SIS MAUGHAN'S!! I definitely saw the gift of tongues in full effect today. But wait, it gets better! Right as the 1st counselor was getting up to end the meeting, OBDELI GETS UP AND BEARS HIS TESTIMONY ON HOW THE GOSPEL HAS CHANGED HIM, AND THEN HIS DAD BEARS HIS TESTIMONY ON HOW HIS PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED!!!!! It was definitely a very powerful, and emotional, sacrament meeting.
After church, we got our car from the assistants, went to dinner at the carlos gomez family's house, then we went to the Morales for another dessert before sis pearson leaves. Then we went and taught the Chivilius so E Diaz could say goodbye. And now I am here. It was a good week, and I'm so ready for the next one!!
Love you guys, ustedes son los mejores!!!!!!!! Les quiero mucho, cuidense!!!!
Elder Tanner Nelson
p.s. any workout tips will be accepted, seeing as I will have 25's, 10's, a pullup bar, milk cartons, and crossfit :)