Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Be nice..........or else

Being nice is good. Right? It's nice to be nice. Everyone should do it. I've always loved the idea of people......families, neighbors, everyone included.....just being nice. Someone once told me I live in an unrealistic "Pollyanna" world. (really people, is that SO WANT everyone to just be NICE?)

So the two year old has a thing for 'nice' too. Not personally, per se - she can boss the best of us, throw a hefty tantrum, and has even been known to occasionally grab, scratch, and kick innocent bystanders who happen to have what she wants at any given moment. Definitely not nice.

But as of late I've noticed a trend with her. While waiting in the dentist office a few weeks ago, she decided to play with the dinosaur set they had available. First time for a little dinosaur play for the girl, so I thought I'd show her what dinosaurs do.
"Roar" I said, in my best dinosaur voice.
"No mom" two year says, "they're nice."
"Roar" I said again.
"No. They're happy."

So we played happy dinosaurs.

Playing Sequence-for-kids (a board game with animals), she chose the lion card. "What does a lion say?" I ask.
She answers nothing.
"Roar" I say, in my best lion voice.

"They're nice mom".


In the past month we've experienced lions, tigers, bears, cheetahs, dinosaurs, skeletons, and even played with the boys old castle set with the evil vs. good knights.

They are all nice.

The 'bad' knights were invited to eat soup with the good ones.

And if you ever wondered what a nice lion sounds like (because roar is not nice), I'll tell you what the two year old told me:

(put on your sweet-princess voice here):

"Hello. My name is lion. Come to my house for noodles."

Well put.

Be nice. Amen.


Wendi said...

Amen, sista! :) I love your first paragraph and whole-heartedly agree. Your two year old cracks me up. :)

Mechelle said...

She is your child or sure!!

Mechelle said...

for not or:/

Lara said...

Love her! If we (the world) could just take her advice and be nice and eat noodles we would be in a much better place. :)

I just LOVE the innocence of children!

Amy said...

I wonder what it means if my kids never played the 'be nice' game.
I actually remember a few of their games going something like this "and then pretend that I killed you and you were dead...".
I think those games were called 'be mean'.

Addie is a smart grown up, in a cute little kids' body.

Stef said...

Hey, I was actually there when that Pollyanna comment was made. Fancy that. I too wish everyone would just be nice. Mean people suck.

Emily said...

hey! i didn't know you had a blog! i "blog jogged" onto you somehow! i can't imagine you anything but nice!

Sherry said...

I love that! I hope she stays that way forever!!! Why wouldn't anyone NOT want to be nice?! (Go Pollyanna)