....so why not the boys?
When you become 'young men' age, you are officially invited to the scouts week long camp, which is always a good time. Who wouldn't love shooting rifles, swimming in sub zero temperature water, passing off your first aid skills, and eating delicious scout food? The boys totally love it. And I love that they love it.
Of course all this fun scout camping costs money, and most scout groups do a fund raiser to cover a portion of the cost, but not all. The boys are supposed to earn the difference. And........we're realizing that it's a little more difficult to find avenues for teenage boys to earn money. Girls have it easy - they can babysit. But boys......boys have to be a little bit more creative.
They sent out a flyer boasting their skills as trained garbage can washers, and the rest will go down forever in the Nelson history books as probably the grossest (yet somehow very rewarding) day of their lives.
1 large can of Pinesol, 1 can of Lysol, 2 scrub brushes, 1 sponge, a pressure washer, and 7 hours later........
They had successfully picked up, washed, disinfected, and delivered 23 garbage cans.
Do I even need to mention people how dirty they were?
If YOU happened to be a recipient of the garbage can cleaning service, please rest assured they took their garbage cleaning responsibility very seriously.
Those teenage bodies climbed personally INTO EVERY SINGLE CAN to scrub them into a shiny hunk of green.
Total amount of mula made that day: 192$.
Scout camp cost: $160.
Minus a charitable contribution
......and they each came away with a few extra spending dollars.
7 hours well spent.
Never was a hot soapy shower so deserved.